From village to town – Hafnarfjörður between 1960 – 1975

From village to town – Hafnarfjörður between 1960 – 1975

Opening hours

1. June - 31. August every day from 11:00 - 17:00

1. September - 31.May from 11:00 -17:00 on weekends

Vesturgata 6

This exhibition describes the population growth in Hafnarfjörður between 1960 and 1975 and what it entailed. There was an urgent need for development of new neighborhoods, an increase in the number of schools whent from one to three, improved sportsfacilities  and increased youth activities left there mark on the town. Much attention was paid to economic development and considerable number of industrial plots were allocated. The biggest change was when the Icelandic aluminum association „ÍSAL“ was established with in the town limits and in anticipation of that a smelter was built, wich was a major lever for economic life in Hafnarfjörður.

As the town grew, distances became longer so there was a need for intra-town buses, and Kaupfélag Hafnarfjörður‘s supermarket van served the townspeople. Along with these changes, there was a need for improved streetlighting and paved streets.

One of the big issues on the minds of the people in Hafnarfjörður at that time was the development of a new heating system in the town due to the rise in oil prices. Construction of a geothermal heating system began in 1974, and the first house, Miðvangur 114, was connencted in August a year later.

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  • Vesturgata 6


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  • 1. June - 31. August every day from 11:00 - 17:00
  • 1. September - 31.May from 11:00 -17:00 on weekends
  • Vesturgata 6
Bookless Bungalow

Bookless Bungalow

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  • 1. September - 31.May from 11:00 -17:00 on weekends
  • Vesturgata 32


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  • 1. June - 31. August every day from 11:00 - 17:00
  • 1. September - 31.May from 11:00 -17:00 on weekends
  • Vesturgata 6


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  • Suðurgata 7


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  • Strandstígur