From village to town – Hafnarfjörður between 1960 – 1975
Hafnarförður museum puts up new exhibition in the entrance hall of Pakkhúsið every spring that is renewed annually. Current exhibition…
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When the Good Templars Hall was built in 1886 it was considered to be a very large building – it could accommodate 300 people when the population of Hafnarfjörður was only just over 400. It was the first public hall in the town, and for a long time it was the centre of cultural and social activity in Hafnarfjörður. Apart from gatherings of the Good Templars’ Order, the hall was the venue for meetings and entertainments held by many other associations. The first meeting of the Hafnarfjörður Town Council was held there. The building now houses an exhibition entitled „Gúttó – The House of the Templars and cradle of social and cultural life for 130 years.“ The exhibition deals with the history of the Templars and activities in the House over the years.